Friday, February 28, 2020

The Italian-American Interment During World War II Research Paper

The Italian-American Interment During World War II - Research Paper Example The Italian-American Interment During World War II Roosevelt who at first admired the ways of the Italians via his affinity with the soon to be dictator Benito Mussolini, and then decided that the very person he admired was now a threat because of Mussolini's solid partnership with Adolf Hitler under the â€Å"Pact of Steel.† It was this paranoia on the part of Roosevelt that led to acts of Congress in the years of 1935-1939 that allowed for the illegal internment of Italians and eventually, the Germans and Japanese. Examples of this legislative work include the Alien Registration Act of 1940 and the Dangerous Cargo Act. All of the actions which the American government took against the enemy aliens on their land led to the creation of Nazi-like internment camps where Italians were held indefinitely without any charges being filed and their movement limited within the area of their incarceration. Thus, they were not allowed to hold jobs or own any businesses in their community. These inhumanities were but the tip of the iceberg when it came to the atrocities of war against the Italians residing in America without any legal status, though. If one were of Italian descent and living in the United States at that time without the benefit of citizenship, he and his family would most likely end up in an internment camp, regardless of the fact that the Italian Americans were one of the largest immigrant groups in the country at the time. The Italian immigrants were just like any other immigrant family in the United States. They struggled to retain their heritage while doing their best to become a part of the new culture that they chose to involve themselves with. It was these types of people who became the targets as alien threats in America. Mainly because of their adjustment issues, the old time Italians who could not adjust to the American way of life found themselves agreeing with Mussolini in terms of Fascist ideology, which they came to view in terms of a renewed spirit of their homeland that they needed to honor. 2 These sentiments also caused a great divide between the immigrant Italians and their first generation bor n Italian-American offspring who now identified more with the land of their birth in terms of heritage rather than the homeland of their parents. The arrests of the Italians living in America began on December 7, 1941. People arrested were part of the so-called Custodial List of the FBI that Pres. Roosevelt had the agency compile in the event that the United States needed to get involved in the ongoing World War. The list was meant to protect the country from being infiltrated by enemy forces and was set into action through the power of Title 50 of the U.S. Code, based on the 1798 Alien and Sedition Act which allowed for the arrest of â€Å"alien threats† during times of emergency. 3 Such was the perceived threat from the Italian immigrants during this time that the government began a rigorous campaign to quash the Italian heritage of first generation Italian Americans by declaring Italian an enemy language. The slogan for their campaign was â€Å"Don't Speak the Enemy's Lan guage! Speak American!† These posters lined the Italian-American communities during the war time era and saw a rapid decline in the use of Italian in the country since business owners decided not to speak the language in their place of

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Certification goals ( ISM ) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Certification goals ( ISM ) - Assignment Example her ISM certification plus two years of relevant business experience or have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent with two years relevant business experience or have five years of related business experience. CSCP is an ideal certification course for the students who want to venture into general supply chain careers. This certification course opens up a person to the best practices in the supply chain field and one becomes competitive in this field. CPIM is also another recommended certification course. This course is the most ideal for students who want to get in the field of inventory management. It is also advantageous in that it teaches a person about production planning, inventory management as well as scheduling hence getting the best skills in this field. CPIM require that you take five examinations which are in five different modules. (Humphreys) I would like to take at least one professional certification course to improve my competitiveness in the job market. My most preferred choice is the CPIM; this is because, though it has many examinations, there are fewer people who have taken the same course. There are also many opportunities for inventory managers hence this course will give me an upper hand. My plan would be to take the course after my mainstream studies so that I can dedicate myself to one thing at a time. I also plan to join a higher learning institution. My choice for a higher learning institution is influenced by the reputation of the institutions. I understand very well the various tests that I have to go through as requirements. First is the Graduate Management Admission Test. This test is used wen admitting students to graduate management programs in business schools assessing quantitative, integrated reasoning, reading and writing skills of a student in a test time of three and a half hours. Secondly is the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE). This is a test which is standardized and a requirement in most American graduate schools.